We all know about bullying, but do we actually know about bullying? Do we actually know the statistics in regards to bullying? Do we actually know what occurs in the life of a victim of bullying everyday? Whether or not we like it, we are completely ignorant in regards to bullying. Sometimes the ignorance is intentional; and sometimes we chose not to educate ourselves, because we may be afraid of what we failed to see before.
Over the years, bullying has been a major cause of deaths among teenagers. As a team, our plan is to speak for the unspoken voices of the victims. We are strong believers in equality and justice. We believe that no child or teenager or even adult should feel threatened in their everyday surroundings such as school, home or even online! We created this website to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. Our website was created to voice our opinions in regards to bullying.
Sadia, Justine and Jossie are currently students of John Jay College who have been victims of bullying in one way or the other. They then decided to join together in a fight to prevent bullying in schools, jobs, and online. They believe that you, the audience, should listen and fight with them because of the growing population of bullies in our everyday surroundings. There are endless ways to stop bullying; it just takes a couple of strong advocates to join together and make a difference. That is our goal.
F.A.C.TCyber-bullying is a well-known, growing problem. While many take it for granted, we most definitely do not. It hurts to see and hear on the news the amount of deaths that result from cyber-bullying. It’s such a harsh and hurtful social issue and we believe more attention should be given towards it. We want to fight against cyber-bullying as well as educate the younger generation on how to prevent this with the hope of terminating cyber-bullying once and for all. These website pages are created to give you an insight of the suicides that result from bullying and cyber-bullying, helpful hints to prevent being bullied, precautions and safety tips to protect you on the internet and most of all, additional hotlines if you need someone to talk to. Use these resources to your advantage, help yourself or help those in need. You'd be surprised to learn about how many lives would be saved if you take a stand and speak up.
FIGHTING WORLDWIDECyber-bullying is a well-known, growing problem. Bullying is a battle fought in most of America and other countries as well. Too few know what bullying actually is and the impact is has on children are growing up today. More and more people are becoming aware of what bullying is, but few are actually taking a stand to fight against it.
Learn what bullying is and learn how to fight it. There are websites and social media pages that allow bystanders, parents of bully victims, and the bully victims themselves to seek the proper help. It doesn't matter where in the world you are. You can always seek help right from home, or from miles away. You're not alone in this battle, and if you look hard enough, you'll find just the right hand to take in order to lead a better life the next day. |
UNITYBullying itself is a very broad topic. Bullying has many different subgroups within it. However they all connect one way or another. They all come down to one thing: the victims. When one hears stories about another victim taking away his or her life because of bullying, a community, a UNITY, comes together. Together we mourn, we cry, we grow angry and we take action. UNITY is a webpage that we created in order to show everyone that we are all one. We are all united in one way or another. UNITY is a website in which you can see for yourself that bullying is not just the harm being caused, but the togetherness, the family, it creates. Bullying is a horrific thing, but it brings people together to help fight for a stop. It makes us realize that we are not all that different from each other as we'd like to think. We are all the same; we all feel the same things and we are all capable of becoming victims of bullying too.